Working out is no longer just for fitness fanatics – it’s for everybody.



The first place our audience looks for fitness inspo? Instagram.

We’ll create Normal Influencers. We’ll find six people who fit the mold of our ClassPass People, and they’ll document their realistic fitness journeys with ClassPass for six months.

To stay relatable, we’ll only use these six influencers for six months – and then we’ll find a new group of six Normal Influencers for the next six months.



ClassPass users can take an in-app quiz to find out which ClassPass Person they are.

Can participate in monthly challenges against the others to add to their in-app achievements. Rewards include:

  • ClassPass branded merch specific to each users’ frequently taken classes.

  • ClassPass Coins that can be used to buy the merch at studios.

  • 15 credits added to your current month.


PHASER (:30)

Open on close up of a woman taking a spin class.

WOMAN (STILL PEDALING): Last month I was really into yoga – until I got dumped over text. Then I got really into boxing. And now… I don’t know? I just felt like spinning today.

Frame freezes/SUPER appears: PHASER

  • SFX: *Ding*

  • Arrow pointing from SUPER to person

Woman continues to spin more intensely as VO comes on.

VO: Access to dozens of studios lets phasers choose from a variety of workouts to suit whatever kind of day you’re having.

WOMAN (THINKING OUT LOUD): Maybe I’ll try jiu jitsu tomorrow?

SUPER/LOGO appear VO: ClassPass. Fit for Everyone.



Open on a yoga class. Everyone is following the teacher’s instructions as they go into a weird pose. Once they hit weird pose, time freezes. Camera zooms in on one woman who isn’t frozen. She’s still struggling to hit the pose.

WOMAN: This is my first yoga class, and probably my last.

Frame freezes/SUPER appears: QUITTER

  • SFX: *Ding*

  • Arrow pointing from SUPER to person

Time resumes, and the class continues as VO comes on.

VO: Access to dozens of workout studios means you can center an entire fitness regimen around quitting. Seriously, if you don’t like a class, find a new one somewhere else.

Woman who spoke throws her arms up and stomps out of class.

SUPER/LOGO appear VO: ClassPass. Fit for Everyone.



Open on a woman sleeping under all the covers. Her alarm goes off and her arm emerges to hit snooze.


Frame freezes/SUPER appears: SNOOZER

  • SFX: *Ding*

  • Arrow pointing from SUPER to person

Woman goes under her covers to continue sleeping as VO begins.

VO: Not a morning person? Access to dozens of workout studios with flexible hours means snoozers can try something new each day, or night.

Alarm goes off again and you see her arm emerge again to hit snooze.

VO: ClassPass. Fit for Everyone.


AD: Tess Kakhki